COVID-19: The Young Person’s Strategy in Managing Resources During a Crisis

4 min readMay 19, 2020


Africa’s demographic structure is different from other regions of the world. The median age of Africa’s 1.3 billion population is 19.7 years. Whereas the median age in China is: 38.4 years and the median age in the European Union is: 43.1 years.

Africa’s youthful population may be considered an armour to withstand the shocks of the pandemic; however, the current increase in cases on the continent is a major threat to other aspects of our human life. Due to this, we may already have a sense of “how” the virus will transmogrify itself on the continent if safety protocols are not strictly enforced and “Staying at Home” is not observed… Besides, it is sad to note that a lot of people, especially young people are laid off from their jobs due to the economic difficulties faced by Companies and Governments at large.

To this end, the major evidence of our challenge is the socio-economic impact that will primarily affect the African youth who already struggle with high rates of unemployment.

The Uncommon Truth:

Before the novel coronavirus showed its “ugly head” in Africa, youth unemployment and economic recovery was already a major challenge on the Continent. In Ghana, and of course, in other African countries, there’s evidence of thoughtful youth employment and development interventions facilitated by the State, with the support of Development Partners and Private businesses; in special cases, there are Public-Private Partnership (PPP) agreements to run such programmes. However, with a crisis like COVID-19, these interventions may be halted or function via the contingency approach to management.

A Minute of Self-Talk:
Would Employers engage in employment conversations? Not at all, I guess. But if they do, then the conversation is about retaining the best talents or acquiring a skilled individual with a potential for business stability or growth amid the crisis…

Therefore, to young people, the only way to reach our goals and manifest our best potential is to learn, practice and master the art and/or science of SELF-MANAGEMENT.

With inspiration from the teachings of Dr Munroe, the following are some keys I follow to prudently manage my 23-year-old self in a season of Crisis:

1. DETERMINE what your NEEDS are:
Make a list of all your needs in order of priority. There are times when you may think you can buy something and not be at a loss. Don’t take that road, because losses usually don’t occur to us immediately; it sometimes takes time to be revealed — thus, when you are in lack. Obey your list of needs (not wants) and follow-through with discipline.

2. Only ACQUIRE what you NEED:
After determining your need, you can acquire. Bad management is when you acquire something you do not need. Be disciplined to acquire what you have on your list.

3. Decide to LIVE within your MEANS or ABILITY:
This is between you and your pocket, purse, wallet or bank account. Sometimes, you may want to wisely review your list from the most affordable to least affordable. In a season of crisis, the least you can do to help yourself in staying healthy — without any stress; especially concerning your finances, is, to be honest with yourself. I have been favoured to gain help from my family and loved ones, but this is not a warranty to ignore my list. I want to stay in “business” post-COVID19.

4. Withdraw the UNNECESSARY:
This is the time to focus your energy on what is necessary — don’t be caught off guard; times have changed, my friend. If you are my age-mate, you probably have enough time or can create the time to concentrate efforts on improving yourself in your area of gifting; revisiting your goals to make them S.M.A.R.T and formulating your post-COVID19 recovery and adjustment plan to follow-through with the important matters of life — which may include: postgraduate studies, creating a social enterprise or business, marriage etc.

5. Value your POSSESSIONS:
The proof that you value your possessions is Management. What you value would not be mismanaged; trust me, you will protect, care for it and show that it is important to you; worthy and useful. Often that not, because I value what I have, I attract other resources that to me is but an added benefit.

You and I ought to become better managers of our resources, especially when we don’t have much. I have come to understand that whatever we fail to manage properly — we will lose. And no one gains much if the little he/she has is mismanaged.

We can do well for ourselves through deliberate and intentional efforts amid the global health crisis — COVID-19.

Let’s Do This! ✌✨🌍

Originally published at on May 19, 2020.




Thinker | Social Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development Practitioner | Host of the African Entrepreneurship Forum | UNLEASH Ambassador